To be or not to be ... a couch potato

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Night Dreaming

I always keep up waking up at night for my dreams. They are so frustrating, but sometimes entertaining. I call this night dreaming, since it is night, and I am dreaming. I think someone must have figured it out by now. The difference of day dreaming, is me on standby mode watching the teacher talk and not understanding anything at all. I am actually not day dreaming, just in standby mode, since I don't think of anything. It is good to relax once in a while.

As I black out into a profound sleep, my brain starts taking action. Not mentioning that I have like a thousand dreams and I only get to remember only one. For example, I woke up two hours ago, and I only have slight memories. It is either of both: I have very short memory, or dreams are meant to be forgotten.

Last night, or this morning, ( I'm not aware of the time, I'm asleep), I was dreaming of the soccer world cup album, and the cards we are meant to collect, and obviously to paste. So I kept waking up there were people beside me trading cards. Since we had Messi repeated, I was thinking in many ways to have a good trade with him. I just realized this dream couldn't be more boring.

Usually when I'm dreaming, the coolest dreams are the ones in which I have super powers. Believe me or not, it is so cool when you are able to fly. Unfortunately, this only happens in the beginning, but when I am " conscious" in my dreams, I can't use my powers anymore. It is sad when I am about to take off and just float a little and fall flat against the ground.

Other kinds of dreams I have is with people. Suddenly I am sleeping, and I appear at school or anywhere else that I don't want to be in. I feel the people are around my bed looking at me while sleeping. It is horrible. I try to stay awake when I realize: how stupid of me, it was a dream. I think this is more like a nightmare.

And there is always the typical dream of a dinosaur after me. Believe me, it is not fun.

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