For some people it may not sound so good, but its okay with me. I just get to sleep more, and go only for one hour as my parents talk to my teachers. What it would be even better, that they don't get to talk to my teachers. We could just pass by, swap our report cards, and continue our way to the doughnut stand. Yes, the give doughnuts, and yes, I love doughnuts.
I still wish that I don't have to go. They even changed the name to Parent-Teacher Conference, because it really doesn't involve students. If they would really like students to go, it would be
I think the school noticed this grave mistake and decided now to call it Three Way Conference, (in triangular form, if you get what I mean. You don't really have to get it.)
As naive as I am, I could simply understand to Three Way Conference into:
Father, Mother and Teacher.
It doesn't involve the student, or then it would be a Four Way Conference, right? So it doesn't make sense to go.
Well, I hope my report cards wont turn out to be as horrible as I think. I still remember that last semester, my parents forgot to take us and left us home. I "accidentally" forgot we had to wake up. I am still worried that I will "accidentally" forget again to get ready to go to school. I f they leave us behind, it would be so awesome.
Even so, if I have to go, I could look at the bright side:
-Wait, I still have to think harder...
-There may be doughnuts
-At least I don't have school
-All teachers may be so busy talking to angry parents, that my parents wont be interesting in making a line to "talk".
What I find so funny is how teachers act in front of the parents. In class, they are always saying (to the naughty kids):
Teacher in classroom: Oh, I am so going to tell your parents how bad you are in class and why you are failing.
Teacher in conference: What can I say about your child? He/She is so kind and nice. I love having he/she in my classroom. Sometimes the days get even brighter when they enter my class.
Obviously the last sentence is not true, but it may be possible. Teachers can do anything to save their butts. I don't blame them, everyone needs a job, but the change in their personality and the " I loath you, stupid kid" changes a lot in the period of CONFERENCE. Big word, useful in some ways.
So I dedicate this song, which will be what I will be thinking, as soon as I recieve my report cards.
Pretty funny, and like the music too, really good choice. :)