Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Lost Retainer
I love sleeping. Its like disconnecting from the world, until suddenly my sleep-walking sister wakes me up form my "beauty" (or horror sleep for me). Please, who wakes up beautiful? The smell of bed is not left behind. The knotted and crazy hair, and obviously, the face of uncertainty as soon as you wake up asking "is this a dream?"
Anyways, shcool, does take your whole time. You could think that it actually takes half of the day, but that have of the day may be exrcuciating and long. Even so, there is nothing worse waking up thinking it is a Saturday, when it actually is Monday. As soon as I realize, it could not hit worse.
I mentioned before that my sister had sleeping-walking problems, but she is not she is not the only one. Is I usually wake up at night thinking I'm in such places like school. Usually I think people are around my bed, starring as I sleep. It may be a dream (or a nightmare) but it feels so real, and uncomfortable. Or, I get up ate night and walk around my room thinking it is somewhere else, and that I need to get there. Once, I even thought I was talking to someone, but actually it turns out to be I'm just talking to myself.
Some nights ago, I suddenly woke up and went angrily to the bathroom where my other sister was washing her teeth. I had come in the errand to give back the mouth retainer that was from my sister in my room. Actually, it was my retainer.
Scene: The Lost Retainer
Setting: Bathroom
Purpose: No idea
Me: (half asleep) Why do they keep doing this?
I say this as I burst angrily into the bathroom.
Big sister: (confused) What are you talking about?
Me: I told them it wasn't mine.
I take the retainer out of my mouth and place it near the sink.
Me: Here, this is Laura's retainer.
Big Sister: Hey it's yours.
I carefully read the name written in the filthy retianer.
Me: Oh, yeah, its mine.
And I leave and fall asleep.
I guess it was kind of weird. I was so confused. I was sure that my dream was commanding me to return my sister's retainer, but it was mine! Even so, she was in the bed next to me. Why would I have to storm angrily into the bathroom?
Even so, dreams can be very mysterious. I even think they are signs, but I'm too lazy trying to figure them out.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Slow Motion
This Particular Day
Upcoming Events
I am nervous. I have this upcoming competition, and swimming nationals in two weeks. It came so fast, I don't even feel prepared for it. I know I have been training hard, but, it just came too soon. I still cant believe why the idiots made a competition on a holiday, the whole weekend. Seriously, who would come? Not mentioning it is the second most important tournament after the nationals. The problem is, this is a qualifying tournament. It is my only chance to proof I can qualify. (Even though I already have qualifying times). On the bright side, I still have Monday to rest.
I cant support the pressure. it is too much, that when I am siting in the bus listening to music, I even start feeling the adrenaline. it is so scary! I still cant believe it is this weekend! I cant say much about the nationals, because I have to qualify. Even so, if I qualify, I will be even worse. In the other bright side, the nationals are soon, and I will end this quickly. Then, I can have vacations, since school is almost over. I feel a little of nostalgia since 9th grade was cool. Seriously, everyone is big, and there are no stupid 8th graders thinking they are now in high school! I realize that my school years are being counted, and the idea of leaving is hard.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A Small Mistake
When I completed a whole championship, suddenly, there were four cars being raffled. Incredibly I won, the best, the greatest and the invincible, Gillet. I had never heard the brand of this car, so I went into car dealer. It is a car from Belgium with Formula 1 technology. Wow. It had 429 horse power, and it only weighed 850kilos. For people who don't know about cars, this, was a pretty good one. It didn't weigh anything compared to it horse power, do it made it invincible on the track, and it wouldn't waste so much tires. Best of all, it was powered by Alfa Romeo. It was the best car in my garage.
As I continue. Winning more and more crappy cars, I loved my sweet Gillet to the end. It was great, it was perfect. Even so, what I couldn't stand was that I
completed whole championships and cups, and won these crappy cars. I did a whole World Series and for my pleasure, I won an Audi TT. Yes, it may have two turbos, but they don't even work to blow your hair. Instead, my sister just
completes ten laps in Super Speedway, and she wins a Corevette! I was like, what
the? Then, when I complete 100 laps in the same course, I won a Mitsubishi
Lancer tuned by Nismo. I already had like five of those cars in my garage.
Seriously, it had 300horse power and weighed like 1500kilos. This is equal to: a
very slow and crappy car. Even so, I was happy with my Gillet.
One night, my little sister was playing, so I asked her if could let me. With no doubt, she gave me the control. I completed her track in Beginners League,in World Championship. Just to win money and another car. I felt my Gillet kind of
weird since it didn't hold on in the curves as it used to, and I had to fight with the
car to keep it straight. I told myself the lamest excuse: " maybe in beginners
league the cars are different since you are starting to drive, so it is like this so
beginners learn how to drive how it is". No matter how long the excuse was, it
didn't make any sense. So I thought, "maybe I am driving too bad".
The other day, my big sister was driving. She offered me the control since she kept saying she was driving terribly. Oh, how weird. I continued driving, and again, the car was fighting back. Why? What happened to my car?
When my little sister arrived from school, I asked her if she had done something to the car. " No" she would say firmly. I didn't know to belief her or not, since I was in the middle of a series race and I wasn't able to go back to the garage and see any change in the car. In a way, I would be kind of relieved if she had done something to the car, which meant it wasn't I who was driving terrible. Then, I would be furious be I said clearly like a thousand times " No one dares to touch or tune the car, it id perfect as it is, no one dare to change anything".
Then, my little sister said,
Sister: Is that I had lost for one point the series race, I was so angry so I tuned the car with something
Me: What did you do?
Sister: I don't know, it was cheap and raised the horse power.
I had just lost a race for the last curve(since I was fighting to keep the car straight)
So I exploded.
How many times did I tell you never to touch it? The car was perfect as it wad, and you just go around with no idea just putting things inside. The car was already tuned for racing. It was only on beginner's league!
I was angry. Specially when I finished the race and won another crappy car. I went immediately to the garage. 518horse power. Damn! It was too much for the car. I went back to tuning, but there wasn't anything to be done. Many could say, hey chill, its just a game. It may be a game, but I cant just have the car I had before, and I used it in all the race. There was no turning back, my car was ruined.
What made me so angry was that she didn't even care, worse of all, she didn't even say sorry.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Stormy Night
So I was on holiday, which was pretty good, not mentioning it was extremely hot were we were and we didn't sleep for three days. We went back to el PeƱon. For my pleasure, the whole family came which meant, being uncomfortable. I can't stand the heat or the people, so it means, a great weekend for me.
Since my grandfather is an old and cranky man, he also hates air conditioning. Since our house, is not really a house, it is meant that the air conditioning should be on, since it is all closed up. But no, my grandfather can't have air conditioning, so we all have to roast in our beds and sweat like cows. Actually, I don't know if cows can sweat.
The scene, my sister and I in a "room" with my mother, father an little cousin, and only one fan. The best of all was, it was broken, and the only air that it would send wouldn't reach anyone. In another room, my other sisters and cousin and aunt. Yet they had two fans, one was broken. In the other room, my uncle and his family with the two fans that worked perfectly, but they were aimed to the door! We asked him what was the problem with him, his answer: it works to blow the mosquitoes away. WHAT! I still don't understand why they don't understand, that just a simple air conditioner is also a mosquito free, besides, at least we could be fresh. In the biggest room, my grandparents, with the window closed, and the fan shut down, and my grandfather with a blanket up to his head.
After two sleepless nights, it was Friday, the day of the crucifixion and it was 3:00a.m. So it was practically Saturday. A storm all night, lights went off and thunders fell at just one km away. Since we had the windows open, we did not only receive the noises, but rain too. And still, with only some air, the storm will have passed away ¨quietly¨.
Ways Of Thinking
By now someone must have realized that I am so pessimist, and I my whine a lot, but that is how I am, it is how the world is. For " positive", I may have really negative thoughts, but for me, they are realistic. It is the real world, not some kind of stupid fantasy in which many people like to live.
Some examples of my way of thinking:
Annoying Person: what a beautiful and sunny day.
Me: My skin will get burn.
Annoying Person: He just looked at me, I know it!
Me: He was looking at the girl behind you.
That is just some moderate way of thinking. I really don't know how to express my real thoughts through this blog since right now I can't think. But if you are so damn interested, which I personally think you don't. You can waste your time analyzing all my posts, which I would gladly not want you to.
I Found A Blue Fruit In My Cereal
I couldn't care less and ate it anyway.
I had never talked so much before to many different people. Wait, I cant express myself. I wont tell my story. Too bad.
I discovered the Offspring a Psalm from Bible in one of their songs. Wow. We are reading the Bible. No comments.
I have a very important swimming tournament in two weeks. I will drown. Great.
Tomorrow we have a music show during lunch time. I couldn't be more scared. Nervous.
I just posted a my Science homework. Corals are dying. We cant do anything. Period.
We watched Bonanza yesterday. It was creepy. Nothing happened. Everyone got shot. All of them survived.
We also watched Wolverine. No comments.
I'm almost done with Higher Ground. I have two new blisters.
I have swimming training in an hour. I will better go to the TV. That's better.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Talking About Randomness
I don't spend to much time watching YouTube videos (I don't have time) and I have found it extremely boring if you don't know what to look for. Anyways, my great friend form the Chinese class suggested this video. Title Asdf Movie. What on earth could that be? I checked it out that night. It was hilarious. I watched it again and again, and still, I kept laughing.
It is simple and random, which makes it great. I even also checked out the second movie, which was really cool. There were also some related videos, which were absolutely terrible. this was this guy that was trying to imitate the geniuses of asdf movie, but it simply was terrible. It was a terrible drawings and very stupid jokes like:100 ways to die. I saw gets the guy, and then a tank, and then he skips trying to be funny saying " after 50 deaths later". Amateurs, people should not even mind paying attention to those. This may be some of the positive ways to think about.
Pronunciation Does Matter
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Followed By A Living Nightmare
Today, it would not be a good day. The weather predicted it since it was extremely sunny, and I am a rainy type person. I also have to mention that I had to stay after school, for my English class, for a debate. Why on earth do we have to do a debate? It meant memorizing stuff, and speaking in public. I don't mind informal debates such as the ones we did in Global Studies since we could indirectly insult your opponent.
This particular debate, was a formal debate. So formal, that the teacher had this crazy idea of making it against the other Ap-English class. No, we couldn't just have a debate through class time against classmates, it had to be after school against the other class. After school, that word does freak me out. As I had previously said, my nightmares include staying after school. I was so not enjoying this idea.
Our debate topic: The ends never justify the means.
I and no idea what to write about. In the beginning, I didn't even understand the topic. Until now, all the example involved: Would you kill millions to save some lives? Anyways, I finally had it all done, since I discovered in total there were only four speakers. Happily, I volunteered to help in note taking. Hahaha, suckers!
So today was the day, the day I had to stay after school. The teacher decided they would start with Free Will. Well, I thought, speeches only last two minutes, there must be some time left for us, right? Well, there was. We were about to get ready when suddenly we heard:
Teacher: So next time, the others in the debate may fix their speeches to make it more debatable.
Me: Next time?
Teacher: Another day the other group will present with new judges.
Another day. It meant, another after school. It meant, we just stayed this after school for nothing. Now the teacher became into an evil teacher.
Me: But there is plenty of time, cant we make right now?
Evil Teacher: What?
Now he is extremely evil.
Me: Buses leave at 3:30pm and it is 2:45, the other group didn't last that long. There is plenty of time to make our debate.
Extremely Evil Teacher: Well yeah, but I just said, next after school will be the next debate. Besides, it doesn't take to much of your time. It will also be good to make more after school activities more often.
I felt extremely vulnerable and so small. I was furious. It doesn't take so much of our time? Well yeah, I have a life, I don't lay around in my house staring at the ceiling waiting for something to happen. I have a very long swimming training, and time is crucial for me. Besides, I need that time to do the tons of homework he assigns everyday, e.g this writing blog. And more after school activities, I really don't have the time, and, I hate after schools!
When the judges decided that there was no free will, I totally agreed. In this case:
If I had free will, I would not stay after school to do this debate. But I cant, since I am threatende by my grade. So no matter how I don't want to go, I have to. Its true, there is no free will.
Sadly, I think I am in the black list of the teacher. Even worse, I think this list is written in stone, and it will never be erased.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Why do I write of something as significant as math? Since I have math homework! I couldn't find it more horrible than that. Normally, I get to do the homework in class, and in the past, we were graphing linear inequalities. That was really easy, Now, I had to wake up again, to the equations. Oh, I do loath equations with all my life.
I have never been able to understand equations very well. Even so, I was happy since last week we were still graphing with colors and numbers that were in their place, not having to change them and wish they were okay. I also don't have a very good experience with them either.
The scene:
It was the first quarter of the year, way back in October. We were doing equations. We had quarter tests due. I was in India. What could I do? At least the teacher send me the test by e-mail, but were will I get the time to do a test in a trip? So it was I, with my sisters at my back trying to help me (or doing everything as I stared dumbfounded at the computer, but this just stays in this post). Like twenty questions of equations, and the fireworks exploding outside since it was Diwali. At least there was air conditioning.
Back in the present, I wasn't worried since it already happened, like that was before, this is now.So there was no worry since we wouldn't look at it for a long time. Now it seems that I was wrong.
Some other great experiences s with science equations. Who knew science also involved so many numbers? Chemistry couldn't be more confusing. It is I, looking hopelessly at the exam, full of equations waiting to be balanced. Some people say:
People: Yeah, it is so easy.
Me: Oh, yeah, extremely easy.
I usually don't have any idea of what I did. Especially when everyone else is doing it makes a lot of sense, and when it comes up to me, the whole thing turns into a gigantic number hole.
I would just think, don't worry, who cares how much HCl is needed to make a acid base reaction. It is not that I am planning to be a scientist, or suddenly think every time I have a spoonful of sugar (C6+H12+O6) can make cellulose which is wood (C6+H12+O6=6CO2+6H2O)and actually think that it is balanced (which by the way, it is balance). So, its just been a headache since, math is for life. "You use math in EVERYTHING", and it is true. I still hope the career I choose may not have so many numbers, or at least, equations.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Gone With The Wind
It all began since we had a swimming competition. This meant that it would take Friday night and whole Saturday. Even though Friday there was no school, we did have to go to the Three Way Conference. Sadly, my parents didn't buy the story that said "Three" Way Conference. We spend almost the whole morning talking to teachers. Actually, we didn't talk to all of our teachers, but we did take a long time. Fortunately, there were doughnuts. I still regret eating so many of them. Thanks to the conference, we took all of our Friday-free-school in school. Damn.
We arrived home, and what else could we do? Lie down watching TV so we didn't get tired for the great competition. I seriously didn't want to go. It is so long, and time consuming. We also have to compete with girls older than us. It is not cool.
We had to spend our whole afternoon beside the pool, waiting for our turn to swim. It all goes very slowly, especially if you are expecting little kids swim butterfly, or even breastroke.
Saturday, all day in competition. I was so tired. At least the other day I got to beat my personal record in 100mts freestyle. It made me so happy, because it meant I was in a good shape, and maybe in the qualifying tournament I would qualify for the nationals. MAYBE.
What still don't get is, why does my trainer want me to swim in things that I cant do? Example: Backstroke. I am terrible at it. Terrible is a small word for it, I'm horrible! I myself have pity of me while I swim it. I am so bad that I cant even go fast. My time is so high, and I cant go faster. In Medley, everyone takes advantage of me in that particular style. So, I have to kill myself in breastroke, and with my last bits of energy, end it up in freestyle. Those two styles save me form total failure.
Finally, after finishing the whole competition, we remembered. We had a party. A very big party. I was so scared. I hate parties. We had to go to the salon, which I also detest it. There are a lot of angry ladies, who love to criticize, make you feel small and vulnerable, and worse of all, they pull your hair. I had to scratch my nose in order to ignore the pain in the head.
Before getting to the party. I was about to throw myself out of the car. I was really scared! I didn't know how to act, or dance without looking like a complete idiot. I was almost trembling. I would rather be in the competition.
I woke up today at 11:00am. I never had never slept so long in my entire life! I was furious since nobody woke me up a little earlier. Now my whole day would be much shorter. Anyways, nothing much happened today. I had to spend the rest of the day in the house, since everyone came to have lunch at 4:00pm. Seriously, who has lunch at that hour. Only my great family, the ones that love uncomfortable, and the ones who hate air conditioning.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Giving Up The Fight
I thought this particular blog was to express myself, to reveal what I feel about the world. It was intentioned to write anything I wanted, anything I felt, anything I wanted. I did write a lot of my personal opinion, and my entire ways of being sarcastic. Well it happens that I will never do it again. It was a great step for me. I had never expressed myself before. I wasn't talking about anything wrong, I wasn't offending anybody.
My teacher began grading my blog. He had read two posts, with no harm on it. The stupid web page to put the grade on wouldn't load, so he figured he would read more posts meanwhile. He began reading the one of the after school debate. I was about to die. In the end he told me.
Teacher: I don't have a black list. I don't even care if you hate after school activities.
Now I think he does have a black list.
Remember the post of report-cards? Well I thought it was great, it was a genius post. It resulted that my teacher ended up offended. Yea, the English teacher.
Teacher: Does it make sense to you that teachers talk nicely to parents to save their jobs?
Me: Yes?
Teacher: Yes?
Me: Well, no, or yes ,or ...
I had to explain him it didn't involve anything with that conference. I didn't know he was going to take it to personally. I know that teachers talk differently to parents because parents have the power to do whatever they want. Besides, the idiot didn't even say anything throughout the conference. It was I, my sister and my parents in a very awkward situation, since he didn't say anything.
Teacher: So...
Me: Well, I like the course, I like writing in my writing blog.
Teacher: Okay.
Okay? Shouldn't he say anything? We left form the table as fast as we could.
So I figured I wouldn't write again on my writing blog of my true experiences. I will just be simple, since maybe whatever I say may harm my teachers feelings, and in the future, my grades.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Three Way Conference
For some people it may not sound so good, but its okay with me. I just get to sleep more, and go only for one hour as my parents talk to my teachers. What it would be even better, that they don't get to talk to my teachers. We could just pass by, swap our report cards, and continue our way to the doughnut stand. Yes, the give doughnuts, and yes, I love doughnuts.
I still wish that I don't have to go. They even changed the name to Parent-Teacher Conference, because it really doesn't involve students. If they would really like students to go, it would be
I think the school noticed this grave mistake and decided now to call it Three Way Conference, (in triangular form, if you get what I mean. You don't really have to get it.)
As naive as I am, I could simply understand to Three Way Conference into:
Father, Mother and Teacher.
It doesn't involve the student, or then it would be a Four Way Conference, right? So it doesn't make sense to go.
Well, I hope my report cards wont turn out to be as horrible as I think. I still remember that last semester, my parents forgot to take us and left us home. I "accidentally" forgot we had to wake up. I am still worried that I will "accidentally" forget again to get ready to go to school. I f they leave us behind, it would be so awesome.
Even so, if I have to go, I could look at the bright side:
-Wait, I still have to think harder...
-There may be doughnuts
-At least I don't have school
-All teachers may be so busy talking to angry parents, that my parents wont be interesting in making a line to "talk".
What I find so funny is how teachers act in front of the parents. In class, they are always saying (to the naughty kids):
Teacher in classroom: Oh, I am so going to tell your parents how bad you are in class and why you are failing.
Teacher in conference: What can I say about your child? He/She is so kind and nice. I love having he/she in my classroom. Sometimes the days get even brighter when they enter my class.
Obviously the last sentence is not true, but it may be possible. Teachers can do anything to save their butts. I don't blame them, everyone needs a job, but the change in their personality and the " I loath you, stupid kid" changes a lot in the period of CONFERENCE. Big word, useful in some ways.
So I dedicate this song, which will be what I will be thinking, as soon as I recieve my report cards.
Uncomfortable And Horrible: Formal Uniform
I hate skirts, they are cold and makes me feel naked. It also doesn't have any pockets, so were can I put my phone? So I wear pants.
We also have an Oxford shirt, the long white ones meant to be used with tie. Fortunately girls don't need to wear tie, but thy are so uncomfortable. Mine is too wide, but the arms are so short. Now these combined with pants makes me look like a boy. I cam even make the math for you:
Pants+Uncomfortable shirt= a boy.
At least I have long hair.
I still don't get why we have to wear it. What is weirder is that all the teachers say " you all look so pretty in formal dress code". I say " we all look so pathetic". In this occasion, I don't know why we have to wear it. We don't have any special assembly or a crucial meeting that will change our lives forever. There is only a reading congress in which we are not even attending.
Seriously, I am about to rip this shirt off. I even had the brilliant idea of cutting the neck and the handcuffs out and sew it in the sweater, but I was just too lazy to do it. Besides, my sewing sucks.
Night Dreaming
As I black out into a profound sleep, my brain starts taking action. Not mentioning that I have like a thousand dreams and I only get to remember only one. For example, I woke up two hours ago, and I only have slight memories. It is either of both: I have very short memory, or dreams are meant to be forgotten.
Last night, or this morning, ( I'm not aware of the time, I'm asleep), I was dreaming of the soccer world cup album, and the cards we are meant to collect, and obviously to paste. So I kept waking up there were people beside me trading cards. Since we had Messi repeated, I was thinking in many ways to have a good trade with him. I just realized this dream couldn't be more boring.
Usually when I'm dreaming, the coolest dreams are the ones in which I have super powers. Believe me or not, it is so cool when you are able to fly. Unfortunately, this only happens in the beginning, but when I am " conscious" in my dreams, I can't use my powers anymore. It is sad when I am about to take off and just float a little and fall flat against the ground.
Other kinds of dreams I have is with people. Suddenly I am sleeping, and I appear at school or anywhere else that I don't want to be in. I feel the people are around my bed looking at me while sleeping. It is horrible. I try to stay awake when I realize: how stupid of me, it was a dream. I think this is more like a nightmare.
And there is always the typical dream of a dinosaur after me. Believe me, it is not fun.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Meet My New Friends
Anyways, I would like you to present you my new friends, the fishes. Why? You may ask? Why would fishes be interesting at all? In this case, this fish are immortal, and even better, you, can feed them! Its like having real fish, only that nothing will happen if you accidentally forget giving them food, or your friends started hitting the tank until your little fishes exploded inside. It was a sad experience.
So I call them, Pepe el Pez, Pepe, Pepe2, Pepe3, Pepe4, Pepe5, Pepe6, Pepe7, Pepe8 and finally, Fifo. I am not that great at names if you can realize it. You can figure by yourself who is each one, and even better, you can feed them.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My Playlist
Now, these are my favorite songs of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. They are so unique and special, but the best of all, I know how to play them in bass guitar! It makes me more happier.
Tell Me Baby: It's the song that opened my eyes to the world of slap bass. When I first heard it, it was so fast and so complicated. Now, it is so cool and smooth.
Naked In The Rain: It has a bass solo! It is so cool, and incredibly, I learned how to play it. While it involves slap bass, it also has normal bass played with fingers.
Higher Ground: It is such an incredible song. It is a tribute form the Red Hot to Stevie Wonder. It was so great, and the intro is astonishing. I am still working in that part.
The Dawn Of Not Boring
I realized my blog was so damn boring and so plain. If people would even try to read without getting bored, they would be my heroes.
Seriously, I have like many posts, that are extremely long. Who has the time to read such long and useless stories? They are not interesting either.
So now, I have an iTouch, with my first playlist of my favorite band. I know this is the mainstream songs, but soon, I will make a better one with songs that not a lot of people have heard of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
By now someone must have realized that I am so pessimist, and I my whine a lot, but that is how I am, it is how the world is. For " positive", I may have really negative thoughts, but for me, they are realistic. It is the real world, not some kind of stupid fantasy in which many people like to live.
Some examples of my way of thinking:
Annoying Person: what a beautiful and sunny day.
Me: My skin will get burn.
Annoying Person: He just looked at me, I know it!
Me: He was looking at the girl behind you.
That is just some moderate way of thinking. I really don't know how to express my real thoughts through this blog since right now I can't think. But if you are so damn interested, which I personally think you don't. You can waste your time analyzing all my posts, which I would gladly not want you too.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Just With Some Air Conditioning
So I was on holiday, which was pretty good, not mentioning it was extremely hot were we were and we didn't sleep for three days. We went back to el PeƱon. For my pleasure, the whole family came which meant, being uncomfortable. I can't stand the heat or the people, so it means, a great weekend for me.
Since my grandfather is an old and cranky man, he also hates air conditioning. Since our house, is not really a house, it is meant that the air conditioning should be on, since it is all closed up. But no, my grandfather can't have air conditioning, so we all have to roast in our beds and sweat like cows. Actually, I don't know if cows can sweat.
The scene, my sister and I in a "room" with my mother, father an little cousin, and only one fan. The best of all was, it was broken, and the only air that it would send wouldn't reach anyone. In another room, my other sisters and cousin and aunt. Yet they had two fans, one was broken. In the other room, my uncle and his family with the two fans that worked perfectly, but they were aimed to the door! We asked him what was the problem with him, his answer: it works to blow the mosquitoes away. WHAT! I still don't understand why they don't understand, that just a simple air conditioner is also a mosquito free, besides, at least we could be fresh. In the biggest room, my grandparents, with the window closed, and the fan shut down, and my grandfather with a blanket up to his head.
After two sleepless nights, it was Friday, the day of the crucifixion and it was 3:00a.m. So it was practically Saturday. A storm all night, lights went off and thunders fell at just one km away. Since we had the windows open, we did not only receive the noises, but rain too. And still, with only some air, the storm will have passed away ¨quietly¨.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday: (since Monday was holiday)
I woke up thinking it was Sunday. Well, at least I was happy that there were only four school days. I started with English, which it wad terribly frustrating since we had la filmed commercial, and a play due on Friday. My group didn't have anything done, and I was realizing that everything would be at last minute. I knew that I should start getting in panic. Then I had Chinese class, and sure it is boring.
Learning a new language is the worse pain ever. Even so, it is such a funny class, since its me and another guy laughing at the teacher. It is not being mean, supposedly we are laughing with the teacher. Unfortunately, it was the worse class ever. The teacher wasn't coming, and a substitute in this class is worthless. To our pleasure, he got a Chinese substitute, it was the most boring and worthless class. It was reading a lot of things which I had no idea, and it was me, fighting the temptation to fall asleep. Unfortunately, there weren't lots if jokes I could do with my friend. Worse of all, we had homework. To suit my day even more, I had math. Mentioning that I had tons of homework, I felt really lost during class, until last minute. I ended up really sad since there was such plain food at lunch. At last, the last class. We had the beautiful notice that everyone had failed the test. Great. Then it was me, the whole evening doing homework, and dying of hunger.
I could easily say that it was the saddest of all. It turned out to be that we also had a spelling quiz due, and I wasn't able to memorize my lines since I have just 1gb in my brain. Worse of all, I was late for Music. They had just made a policy that for just one minute, there was half an hour of detention. In this case, it was a full after school, and I really didn't want to stay nor Thursday or Friday, since I hate after school. ( mentioned previously on past blogs). Still, the other group had almost the entire class practicing their song, that they haven't finished it since last semester. Finally, when it was our turn, we just had fifteen minutes, and there is no singer. I played horribly, and ended up depressed since I knew I had to stay in detention.
My contact lenses was broken. As for my previous days, I knew it wad a bad sign. So I got on the bus, and had to sit in the back, were you jump and fall since its too bumpy, not mentioning I almost broke my hand trying to get off. Stressed for the play and commercial, and what would I do in detention? At least my day was brightened since we watched a movie in Chinese class. Suddenly, I had the great idea of asking the teacher for a pass, which would excuse my detention. It was great, it was evil, but it wad fair. I didn't deserve the detention, I am always, ALWAYS on time for class, specially that class. Worried he wouldn't give it to me, I rehearsed in my head what I would do. I had the problem that my twin was with me, and didn't want her to be disappointed at me, since I was late.
Anyways, the teacher gave it to me, the problem now was, will the other teacher accept it? I went on Math class, and didn't find him. I planed to go on science, since I knew, I would never find him at lunch. At least he would belief the story, and I'm detention free, but who knows what will happen next. As we arrived home, we were about to leave for horse back riding, my big sister wouldn't find her wallet, which incorporated her license. We were stuck looking for it until we found it in her bag. So I have arrived in this current time, and there is more misfortune to go. What's worse, I don't know why I still feel it is Friday!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Traumas Of My Life
Anyways, these nightmares are not the worse I have. I can have a whole list of them, but I am to lazy to write them all. Even so, I think no one cares, so its just a waste of time.
Things that Freak Me Out #1:
The worse one is being left behind by the school bus going back home. Believe me, I suffer just with the image of, I at just two buses away, when they suddenly go away. It terrifies me. I don't even like the idea of staying in the so called after school. Why would people like to stay after school anyways? Is like having another whole hour of school.
Things that Freak Me Out #2:
Old women in tight pants. I still don't get, why they don't get that are meant for the young and beautiful, not old and wrinkled! Seriously, all the ladies who want to feel young and beautiful, use them. Wannabes. The problem is, they haven't realized that their butts are all worn out, and the jeans they use, don't help for the occasion ( without mentioning how the grandma underwear is visible in every aspect).
Things that Freak Me Out #3:
Bad terror movies. Yea, supposedly they are meant to freak people out, but come on! The terribleness is incredible. There are such stupid
stories and incredibly bad actors. There is also so much blood spilled that even the audience ends up sprinkled in blood. Anyways, at the
beginning I may say how stupid it was, but at night. I should just shut up. I still don't know why I end up so scared. I don't even get scared
while watching it, but at night, I think the images are intensified. I think I also imagine the murder, since its dark.
Things that Freak Me Out #4:
Babies! Those damn babies! All, with their big cheeks and drooling mouths. Not even mentioning that with their small, chubby and sticky
hands, love pulling my hair. What I also detest is that, when they are with me, they end up crying. ALWAYS!
Things that Freak Me Out #5:
The final and ultimate. My aunt. She has each quality of the things that freak me out. I guess not on the bus one. Seriously, she loves
wearing all these tight pants. Not counting the fat that scurries out, the wedgie and her underwear. Freaky. Not mentioning she is such a bad
person, and loves watching you suffer. She has this evil face that could impersonate any maniac murder. She is also as gross as babies,
specially when I have to sit right beside her, and watch how she sticks her finger in the dessert or even in my food. I think this should rather be on the list of What Creeps Me Out.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
V for Vengeance
The band V for Volume is so lame, that the I don't even like to say their name. I still don't get why I hate them so much, maybe it is since the singer is a cheap imitation of Paramore. Personally I don't like Paramore, but these band was so into it. The singer tries to shout and sing just like the singer of Paramore. At least the singer of V for Volume didn't paint her hair red.
It was so weird since they loved over acting on the stage. I know that usually good musicians love walking down the stage and making the gig as entertaining as possible. But this was so disturbing. They all looked like fools swinging their guitars in the air and trying to look cool at the same time. It only works for some.
Not mentioning they only have like one song, which doesn't even make sense:
I always dreamed of being practical…. Logical….
Until now, it makes sense.
You wanted me married,
You wanted me quiet
You wanted me buried
So you got a riot
What? Why would someone want be married, then buried, then a riot? What is the connection.
Cheap universe
Go to hell or let me go to hell alone,
Why do we have to go together?
This world is made for those who don’t feel at all
Go to hell I would be another girl if I could
But clearly I can’t help myself
This is a cheap universe
This world is made for those who don’t feel at all
This world is made for those who don’t feel at all
This is a cheap universe
You wanted my taxes
You wanted my sins
You wanted my prayers
So you got me cleaned
Why would someone want taxes?
Go to hell or let me go to hell alone,
Why do we have to go together?
This world is made for those who don’t feel at all
Go to hell I would be another girl if I could
But clearly I can’t help myself
This is a cheap universe
This world is made for those who don’t feel at all
This world is made for those who don’t feel at all
This is a cheap universe
So the rest of the song as as mediocre as the beginning. I still don't get what is happening to the music today.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Farewell My Beloved Gillet
When I completed a whole championship, suddenly, there were four cars being raffled. Incredibly I won, the best, the greatest and the invincible, Gillet. I had never heard the brand of this car, so I went into car dealer. It is a car from Belgium with Formula 1 technology. Wow. It had 429 horse power, and it only weighed 850kilos. For people who don't know about cars, this, was a pretty good one. It didn't weigh anything compared to it horse power, do it made it invincible on the track, and it wouldn't waste so much tires. Best of all, it was powered by Alfa Romeo. It was the best car in my garage.
As I continue. Winning more and more crappy cars, I loved my sweet Gillet to the end. It was great, it was perfect. Even so, what I couldn't stand was that I
completed whole championships and cups, and won these crappy cars. I did a whole World Series and for my pleasure, I won an Audi TT. Yes, it may have two turbos, but they don't even work to blow your hair. Instead, my sister just
completes ten laps in Super Speedway, and she wins a Corevette! I was like, what
the? Then, when I complete 100 laps in the same course, I won a Mitsubishi
Lancer tuned by Nismo. I already had like five of those cars in my garage.
Seriously, it had 300horse power and weighed like 1500kilos. This is equal to: a
very slow and crappy car. Even so, I was happy with my Gillet.
One night, my little sister was playing, so I asked her if could let me. With no doubt, she gave me the control. I completed her track in Beginners League,in World Championship. Just to win money and another car. I felt my Gillet kind of
weird since it didn't hold on in the curves as it used to, and I had to fight with the
car to keep it straight. I told myself the lamest excuse: " maybe in beginners
league the cars are different since you are starting to drive, so it is like this so
beginners learn how to drive how it is". No matter how long the excuse was, it
didn't make any sense. So I thought, "maybe I am driving too bad".
The other day, my big sister was driving. She offered me the control since she kept saying she was driving terribly. Oh, how weird. I continued driving, and again, the car was fighting back. Why? What happened to my car?
When my little sister arrived from school, I asked her if she had done something to the car. " No" she would say firmly. I didn't know to belief her or not, since I was in the middle of a series race and I wasn't able to go back to the garage and see any change in the car. In a way, I would be kind of relieved if she had done something to the car, which meant it wasn't I who was driving terrible. Then, I would be furious be I said clearly like a thousand times " No one dares to touch or tune the car, it id perfect as it is, no one dare to change anything".
Then, my little sister said,
Sister: Is that I had lost for one point the series race, I was so angry so I tuned the car with something
Me: What did you do?
Sister: I don't know, it was cheap and raised the horse power.
I had just lost a race for the last curve(since I was fighting to keep the car straight)
So I exploded.
How many times did I tell you never to touch it? The car was perfect as it wad, and you just go around with no idea just putting things inside. The car was already tuned for racing. It was only on beginner's league!
I was angry. Specially when I finished the race and won another crappy car. I went immediately to the garage. 518horse power. Damn! It was too much for the car. I went back to tuning, but there wasn't anything to be done. Many could say, hey chill, its just a game. It may be a game, but I cant just have the car I had before, and I used it in all the race. There was no turning back, my car was ruined.
What made me so angry was that she didn't even care, worse of all, she didn't even say sorry.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Blistered Fingers
Well, maybe music is not that harsh, but bass playing is! Those who play guitar are a bunch of wimps. They use a pick fir their perfect fingers, and their instrument is "small" and easy to carry. Instead, an electric bass is heavy and hard. The strings are so thick: blisters. Without mentioning it weighs like 1000 tons.
It also depends in the music and technique you are playing. For example, slapping the bass us so fun, but believe me, you need a strong arm to resist the whole song. Then, the popping which is equal yo more and more blisters. I usually continue playing, until my finger wears off. The other technique us the fingers which I like, but personally, it begins to get boring. Usually it is always the same rhythm, for example in rock. There is also the technique of using a pick. Personally, I think that it is for idiots. A real bass player should be in total connection with the instrument which means, blood and tears.
I'm just messing around, but the characteristic of a bass is the fingers. If they use a pick, it is like playing another guitar.
I love how Flea ( bass player of the Red Hot Chili Peppers) plays. He is so original, not mentioning that he us crazy. I still cant get how a man of forty seven years old is able to d0 this great performance. As he uses the different techniques of slapping and then changing it to fingers is incredible. The song Cant Stop is a great example, mentioning it is such a great and cool song to play.
Friday, March 19, 2010
I Had No Other Choice
As I continue writing of absolute nothing with no idea of what else to say, I erase it all and start again. Then, I realize that I still dont have any topic or anything interesting to talk about. Now I see that what I am writing is completly stupid, so I should start erasing it again.
But no, I already have a lot written, and right now I am too lazy to start a new one. I think I should post this one, and wish no one will read this stupid post.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
As My Concience Says
Anyways, many may think it is very dangerous in the field. The problem is, they haven't realized they are the danger, or at least they have been stuck ed playing with a bunch of idiots who don't know how to play. I am the great example.
Since my sisters and I are a bunch of girls, supposedly, men should not be to harsh. That is the very wrong part. I still don't know if they are afraid of loosing, or are they just a bunch of idiots? Anyways, they charge at you as hard as they can, and they even hit you with the polo stick! I am like " Come on dude! It's just a practice!" But they just take it too seriously.
What is even more dangerous than men at playing, are the women themselves. The issue here is that they don't know how to play, and myxh worse, their little voice had died a long time ago. Skipping the fact that they are really harsh and angry, some are treated like queens. All the guys stand there, watching how the idiot takes the ball, and no one dares to go after her, or else who knows what they will do next. What I hate most is that guys just hit us with no mercy. I still don't understand why. I am just an innocent fifteen year old against big and old guys. The worse part is, they laugh while they are sticking their knee against mine, and with all their strength, they start moving it in a very painful way. Those idiots!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ending with a Black Eye
In El PeƱon, there is such cool stuff to do. Since it is located in semi-tropical climate, it is really hot. (Extremely hot!). It is like a hell hole since it is between two mountains. There is no wind, but there is a very concentrated sun with the mission of frying us all.
Anyways, it is were we usually spend our vacation. It is the perfect place to ride in golf carts for hours and still, not getting bored. At least, there is even more to do, specially with my father's extreme spirit. We go out to skate, but it is a ride to all of the club, and sure it is big. Back toward my father's spirit if adventure, the trip is way more longer and way harder. The trip starts at least at 12:00m, the hottest and hardest time if the day, were the sun penetrates your skin and meanwhile, dehydrates your brain making you insane. Or, there is also the ride of 7:00pm, were all the drunk teens are ready to rock on (again) and the people who are getting out of church. I also missed the fact that it is dark, and I, being short sighted, can't see anything. As we try to pass through the cars and the idiots who would start whistling, we had made it alive, most of the time.
My great story starts on the 12:00m trip. We started our skating. It all went pretty well, even though my legs couldn't bear it much longer since the ride had still a long way to go. I had realized that the streets were kind of worn out, since there were many house constructions, and there were lots of rocks.
Note: rocks are deadly if you are skating.
So there was I, at 100km/h in my great skates which sadly were now too short. As the sweat dripped through my forhead, my legs burning in agony, and my head about to explode. I was going so fast when suddenly, OH SHOOT!, and I fell flat against the hard floor. I just felt how my cheek crashed against the hot pavement, and how my shoulder had stopped the fall. I stood up as fast as I could. Ignoring the pain in my head and my shoulder, I went as fast as I could to my father in the golf cart. He may have a spirit of adventure, but he also has conscience of our safety.
We went back home to clean the wound. My cheekbone began to swell, I even thought it was broken since it ached like hell. As I got all washed up, I had to burn my face with ice so I wouldn't have a cold sore in my eye. Unfortunately, I ended up as if I had gotten in a fight and ended up with a black eye. Too bad school was about to begin, and my whole body and face scraped, could be something to talk about.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Airplane Nightmare
Airplane rides couldn't be much more fun, but thirteen hours! It's just too much! I always loved getting on the plane. It is cold and magical inside, with lots of seats, and the first class passage.
Instead, we get to go to the end of the plane, to the economy (or chicken class as I call it).
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Highway to Hell
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Suicide Driving
Skipping the fact that streets are like they had been attacked by meteroites, the people are just idiots! Driving is the most boring thing. You are always in traffic jam, and the stupid people who ride a Twingo, who think they are in a Ferrari, the extremely decorated horrible Sprint, and the angry lady in the SUV. There is nothing worse than an angry lady. The suicide taxis, the mean buses, the stupid student int the Twingo, there is nothing worse. No one knows how to drive, and even so, they do have a license.
If there would only be interesting cars and streets, driving would be a good experience.The highways in Germany, a lane for 300 km/h were ferraris, Lamborghinis, Masseratis, could pass nearby. My dream Highway. I could even imagine the Pope in a Ferrari. In the rear end of the car with a fish which inside say Jesus, or the Virgin Mary in a Rosary. Even so, I am stuck here, with these beasts on the streets, trying to survive.
Monday, March 8, 2010
I Cant Even Express My Anger Very Well
Pop music is short for Popular music, and indeed it is popular. They repeat them and repeat them until it is stucked in our heads and we go crazy. That is what usually radios do. They burns and burn the songs until it is stucked in our heads, and suddenly, people just love them! Everyone, everywhere singing those damned songs! They don't even make sense!
What I most hate about Pop music are: The lyrics and the videos.
About 90% of the lyrics are all the same. They all have the same meaning and even the same frases, they just mix the words in a different order. It is always about love, or the day he left. Some of them just have the meanings of going to a party, the cool party were she/he met a boy/girl and both ended up happily ever after. Pathetic. if these kinds of things are the ones that attract the audience, the audience is pretty weird. Who would care to listen all the time to the same things? Or relate to the song because they get the hopes of sometime being able to also become a pop star? The world is not like that!
The videos? They don't even deserve to be videos. Just as the lyrics, they are all the same. Usually, if it is a girl song, there is always the singer behind with the band looking at us with her eyes of sorrow. They always start touching their hair, and make a glance to the camera. Then, they appear with their boyfriend or lover in a very strange scene of ?¨I love you, but I cant have you¨or in a party with thousands of guys. If the song is not so sentimental, it must have a dance in which everyone will try to do next.
If the singer is a guy it will always be at a party or at a racing track. There must be very cool and expensive cars. There must always be women around with very short skirts, and the guy must be all around them. Or, it could be the gay video in which they glance up at the camera and in the darkness, they make a face of sorrow.
What I still don't get is, most of the singers, don't sing well. Seriously, which singer is able to sound like in the studio or been better? No one! They are all terrible, they are a fiasco! They just need to know how to lip sing very well, and being able to put tons and tons of make up, because they must all be pretty. Singers must always have the latest clothes, and most fans. Well, in the end it is the music business.
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Best Day of My Life
As I woke up a Tuesday morning, ready to go to school. I was about to kill someone since
- There was school!!
- I was still sleepy like every single school day.
- It was a Tuesday for crying out loud
- I had my worse classes that day
As I sleepwalked all the way to the shower, I realized it was still dark. Oh Joy. As soon as I turned the water on, I suddenly woke up. Just as I had finished, my father came in saying, school is cancelled. What? I didnt even understand. I thought that it was like Move on that the school bus has arrived for an hour. The, my sister came in rushing, and suddenly I understood. SCHOOL WAS CANCELLED! You cant imagine the happiness. It was incredibly unveilevable. We even thought it was a prank. Too bad I had already washed my hair, but who cares. There was no school that day. I love you riot people.
I tried to get asleep, but my wet hair wouldnt let me. Even how, I woke up at 7:30 ( and I still didnt get why I couldnt sleep longer). So, the rest of the day was practically play Play Station 2, the Gran Turismo 3 game. It is like the best driving simlator ever. That afternoon, we went to see the PGA which was taking place in our club. It is one of the most important golf tournaments. That day, it was the begining of a day tournament called the PROAM. It is between a professional player with an amateur one. I stil cant imagine that Camilo Villegas was there. He is like the best golf player in Colombia and he plays agianst Tiger Woods. Even better, there was Juan Pablo Montoya! He is a car racer formely form Fromula 1 and currently in Nascar Racing. I find it very ironic that he went there to play golf.
After following Villegas through the golf course, some guys before him almost kill us about three times! Who said golf was a calm sport? Suddeny, everyone started screaming FORE! What could we do? Some people said run! Others would shout to stay still. In the end, the ball fell right were we were. Those bunch of amateurs! Who knew golf cold be so dangerous?
Even so, after wathcign more golf, we had our swimming trianing. After taining, we went to the party the sponsors were throwing. Our goal was to meet Juan Pablo Montoya. It started with the best comedian named Andres Lopez. Then, my sister realized that each time he would make fun of Nascar, the guy who was almsot infront of us would make the thumbs-up. It turned out to be it was Montoya!
What could we do, the guy was there! The guy which each Sunday morning at 7:00am, we would wathc him racing the Monaco Circuit. Now, the guy in which we watch Saturaday´s afternoons in the Daytona Raceway. He was there.
We didnt know what to do since they said he was mean, and some others that he flatteres himself so much. But, there are only 25 drivers in Formula 1 in the whole world, and in Nascar anout 60? He does hae something to show-off about.
Suddenly, form behind, someones approaches, and suddenly huggs me. I couldnt believe it! It was him! JUAN PABLO MONTOYA WAS HUGGING ME! I didnt know what to do! I didnt know what to say! I was so nervous and didnt even relize it was reality. I told him he was incredible and that we also race cars in the circuit in Tocancipa.
The party continued but it started to get kind of freaky since there were too many adults drunk, on a Tuesday night at 10:30 pm. We also had the horrible news that we had school the other day. It was impossible that we didnt have school for more than one day.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sweet and Delicious Chocolate
Seriously, if that was my keyboard, I will be dying right now. (Skipping the fact that I would enter in a diabetic shock or fail my whole classes) It could be the great excuse of saying ¨Sorry my keyboard is broken¨or ¨My dog ate my keyboard¨.
Mmmmm, chocolate.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
As If I Knew