Who could imagine that monkeys could be that dangerous? Just look at him! Staring with those big wide eyes with such act of innocence. Well, this little monkey which I call: the picture of the monkey, is not the culprit.
On our trip through Japan, we went to a very cool island near Hiroshima named Miyajima. It was great, all right but sure it was for tourists. Even how, we got a ferry to get to the island. It was really pretty. There were lots of deer, and in the mountain top, there were monkeys. I will leave the story of the monkey for now.
It was like 12:00m and sure it was hot. We saw this marriage in a temple, which was pretty boring. Obviously Japanese traditions are very different from ours, but I, in the shoes of the bride and family, would have a really bad knee and back ache. They were sitting down for about two hours. After watching a dance, which sadly I don't remember of what was it about, we headed to the restaurants and ate eel. You cant imagine how delicious that is! The combination of the sauce they were in with the rice was excellent.
We headed for the quest of the mountain. We would climb to the top, but first, we would take a pole cable. ( No one out of their mind will climb the hole mountain). As we arrived, there was a huge surprise: monkeys. I had never seen them in real life or in their "wild" nature (because it wasn't so wild). There were just there, running about and eating each other fleas. Such incredible creatures. As I was in charge of the camera, I was the one to take the pictures. I knew that a good photographer was the one who would be near to the picture. in that case, I did get too near. I was so happy while the little monkey would pose, until the man next to me, started glaring at him. Obviously, the aunt monkey, though he was challenging her, so she charged at us. Fortunately I had very good reflexes and I was able to escape the angry monkey's attack. Unfortunately, for the guy, it was too late for him.

Just kidding, really, nothing happened, but he did get quite scared. After almost being attack, I saw the little big poster which said, not to glare at the monkeys. I just wanted to kill that guy myself. I was kind of startled after the big fright, that I hadn't realized the picture that I had taken.

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