To be or not to be ... a couch potato

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Followed By A Living Nightmare

I was about to make the terrible mistake of changing the caps of my contact lenses holder, since I couldn't figure out which was left, and which was right. I am short sighted, and I have about 3.25 in my left eye and 3.00 on the right eye. So tomorrow in the morning I may be seeing a little bit different. This is thanks to my extremely small memory. I think my brain can only hold up until 1gb.

Today, it would not be a good day. The weather predicted it since it was extremely sunny, and I am a rainy type person. I also have to mention that I had to stay after school, for my English class, for a debate. Why on earth do we have to do a debate? It meant memorizing stuff, and speaking in public. I don't mind informal debates such as the ones we did in Global Studies since we could indirectly insult your opponent.

This particular debate, was a formal debate. So formal, that the teacher had this crazy idea of making it against the other Ap-English class. No, we couldn't just have a debate through class time against classmates, it had to be after school against the other class. After school, that word does freak me out. As I had previously said, my nightmares include staying after school. I was so not enjoying this idea.

Our debate topic: The ends never justify the means.
I and no idea what to write about. In the beginning, I didn't even understand the topic. Until now, all the example involved: Would you kill millions to save some lives? Anyways, I finally had it all done, since I discovered in total there were only four speakers. Happily, I volunteered to help in note taking. Hahaha, suckers!

So today was the day, the day I had to stay after school. The teacher decided they would start with Free Will. Well, I thought, speeches only last two minutes, there must be some time left for us, right? Well, there was. We were about to get ready when suddenly we heard:
Teacher: So next time, the others in the debate may fix their speeches to make it more debatable.
Me: Next time?
Teacher: Another day the other group will present with new judges.

Another day. It meant, another after school. It meant, we just stayed this after school for nothing. Now the teacher became into an evil teacher.
Me: But there is plenty of time, cant we make right now?
Evil Teacher: What?
Now he is extremely evil.
Me: Buses leave at 3:30pm and it is 2:45, the other group didn't last that long. There is plenty of time to make our debate.
Extremely Evil Teacher: Well yeah, but I just said, next after school will be the next debate. Besides, it doesn't take to much of your time. It will also be good to make more after school activities more often.

I felt extremely vulnerable and so small. I was furious. It doesn't take so much of our time? Well yeah, I have a life, I don't lay around in my house staring at the ceiling waiting for something to happen. I have a very long swimming training, and time is crucial for me. Besides, I need that time to do the tons of homework he assigns everyday, e.g this writing blog. And more after school activities, I really don't have the time, and, I hate after schools!

When the judges decided that there was no free will, I totally agreed. In this case:
If I had free will, I would not stay after school to do this debate. But I cant, since I am threatende by my grade. So no matter how I don't want to go, I have to. Its true, there is no free will.

Sadly, I think I am in the black list of the teacher. Even worse, I think this list is written in stone, and it will never be erased.

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